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Surges are humans, born and mutated from the "Grand Revelation". This meteor that landed in Australia, caused most humans there to receive some mutations. Although surges are physically IDENTICAL to humans, the difference they posses is abilities. All surges have a unique ability. While some may be similar, they wont be the same. Spirit Spend 42 years Duping his soul so he could send it to the universe and spread even more chaos, by giving those who got enough of it abilities. Each surge (Human who had absorbed enough of the soul) developed a special ability. No two surges could have the same ability since they all got different abilities.

Abilities can be similar, but never the same. (I.E one ca have fireballs, and the other firebeams)

To get WP you just need to be near Spirit. Any being can develop WP and its abilities, but its rare unless you’re born that way or granted it by Spirit.

WP is stacked upon birth I.E Dad = lvl 1, Mother = lvl 2 = child lvl 2.5 at most, and 1.1 at worst

Current Known Surges

- Palkoto

- Goldean

- Kyusho

- Kanju

- Kotowa