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Carvatans- Homo Sapiens Captiosus

Carvatans are a mountain-dwelling people who are mostly nocturnal. They have heightened inteligence and incredibly precise eyes. Most Carvatans live in the nation Carvata, named after their people, or in Vortova, as refugees.

Physical description

Carvatans average to around five feet, seven inches tall in both sexes. The average weight for an adult male Carvatan is 60 Kg, and females average to 58.9 Kg.

Carvatans possess long, pointed ears, adapted to give them slightly better overall detection of sound. Their ears are thick, so as to retain heat better.

Carvatans have incredibly detaild eyes. The cornea has a small sack that can fill with fluid to provide more focus for longer ranges, and another for more detailed focus on closer objects. The iris is muscular, and can open four small slits, called Coronal slits, to allow extra light in low-light environments. The photon receptors are incredibly densely packed, and can even detect into infared and ultraviolet amplitudes. This has been the cause of several strokes due to televisiln remotes and other such broadcasting devices.

Carvatans have sharp incisors with small channels on the inner side, allowing for easy extraction of blood or other liquid foodstuffs.

Other biological differences

Carvatans have lower bone-density and muscle mass to allow for safer traversal of mountainous terrain. They have incredibly efficient nervous systems, allowing for rapid and precise control of bodily movement.

Carvatans are incredibly inteligent, some being able to solve calculus problems in a matter of seconds. All Carvatans can process information incredibly quickly, being able to dodge or otherwise evade bullets at ranges of as close as two-hundred metres.

Noteable Carvatan individuals

Geinser Koningsat- Founder of the nation of Carvata

Inser Zwatt- First Carvatan General to suffer defeat against human foes

Höter Gædrot- inventer of the jet engine

Zvirana Lunkist- First Carvatan pilot to achieve more than one-hundred air-to-air kills


Carvatan culture is based on innovation. They tend to look past personal differences in favour of working together on experimenting, tinkering, or otherwise making things.

Their food is mostly based on juicy fruits and meats. One famous Carvatan dish is "Veler Cipri", Covered Sauce.


  • I was too lazy to come up with a name for the Carvatan nation
  • I made most of this up two years ago, when thinking about how much I dislike the lack of creativity in fantasy races (ironic, yes.)